Work Based Learning
Work-Based Learning- Offered at all High Schools
You may pick up a paper copy of your co-op application or you may download the application located in the above link (Co-op Forms 2023-24). Sign in to Kami and "upload from the computer." You may type in all your information. Signatures may be electronic by using the bottom left button on the Kami menu. Download your Kami document with annotations so that your information will show. Email
Janet Cavender
Work-Based Learning provides students with the educational opportunities that typically cannot be replicated in the classroom. Work-based experiences are designed to connect information learned in the classroom with skills obtained in an occupational setting as an apprentice or intern. Work-based learning promotes improved skills, higher efficiency and the available of a better-trained labor pool that encourages business growth and productivity. Well-managed work-based learning experiences build confidence in the school system and have benefits for the student, employer, mentor, school and community. Students can choose the morning or afternoon to accommodate their job schedule.
Career Opportunities:
Careers: All Workplace Careers
Earning Potential:
Salary Range: $10,000 to over $100,000
Why join Work-Based Learning:
Flexible Hours - 4 hours minimum weekly
Earn valuable income
School to work transition (earn school credit by working)
Gain valuable work experience
College and career ready
Work-Based Learning is available at each of the five MCS high schools.