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JROTC- Brewer and Priceville High School

Annual Marksmanship Safety Training and Qualification

Cadets conduct annual marksmanship saftey and qualification.  Cadets shown: Sidnie Ross, Lily Craft, Faith Wilson and Hanna Cole


Welcome to AP Brewer JROTC!  We are a cadet led leadership and service organization.  Our mission is to "Motivate young people to become better citizens."  We do this through a strenuous and comprehensive curriculum that includes academic, physical training, and service.  We also maintain several competitive teams that compete in JROTC drill competitions. They are our armed and unarmed drill teams, PT (Physical Training) team and color guard.  We also have a saber and canon team. We pride ourselves on our community service. Our cadets, on average, perform over 2500 service hours as an organization. We have been recognized with the Presidential "Gold" Award for Community Service for three consecutive years.   Cadets will also have numerous opportunities to take leadership roles and be recognized for outstanding performance through promotions and awards. We look forward to a great year with all the cadets and stand ready to help them perform to the best of their abilities.


Course Offerings:

Freshmen (1 hour): JROTC LET I

2nd Year: JROTC LET II (1 hour)

3rd Year: JROTC LET III (1 hour)

4th Year: JROTC LET IV (1 hour)

JROTC Staff - Leadership Application


Career Opportunities:  

There are over 120 career paths throughout the military including positions in operations, aviation, law enforcement, logistics, intelligence, combat, business, and construction.


Earning Potential:

Starting salaries for a new service member (PV1) is $16,000/year for base pay, full medical and dental, food and lodging provided for single members; married members are provided additional allowances for food and lodging; approximately $15,000/year.  Civilian equivalent for a married Soldier = approximately $40,000 year (basic pay, food, lodging, full medical and dental, 30 days paid vacation/year)


Career Tech Student Organization:

Drill, Colorguard, Physical Fitness, and Academic and Leadership competition teams.


Industry Certification:

3 and 4 year cadets receive certificate of training which allows them to enlist as a PV2 instead of PV1 (approx $2000 more/year). Students must complete at least three years of JROTC to receive certificate.