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Course Expectations

Description. Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) is the largest youth program, with an accredited curriculum, in high school. It serves as a character and leadership development program for our nation’s high school students. High school students enrolled in JROTC are “Cadets.” There are approximately 314,000 Cadets enrolled in JROTC in 1,731 high schools, led by 4,000 retired Army Instructors.

Mission.  The program's focus is reflected in its mission statement "To Motivate Young People to be Better Citizens." It prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. The program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school, and it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the student, community, and nation.

Vision. This program’s design focuses on the development of better citizens by building skills in leadership, personal growth and behaviors, citizenship, decision making, health and fitness, first aid, team building, service learning, and, geography; all within a student-centered learning environment. The JROTC program is a cooperative effort between the Army and the host school.

Program Outcomes. Program outcomes describe what JROTC Cadets will know and be able to do upon successful completion of the JROTC program. These outcomes also provide documentation for growth and development of the student and program for re-accreditation purposes, school visitors, parents, and the community. As Cadets complete each LET, their journey toward program outcomes will occur; each program outcome is linked to every LET lesson in the curriculum. Evidence of learning can be witnessed through a Cadet’s Portfolio, which will showcase continued development of program outcomes. The JROTC Program Outcomes are:

  1. Act with integrity and personal accountability as you lead others to succeed in a diverse and global workforce
  2. Engage in civic and social concerns in the community, government, and society
  3. Graduate prepared to succeed in post-secondary options and career pathways
  4. Make decisions that promote positive social, emotional, and physical health
  5. Value the role of the military and other service organizations


Core Abilities. Core Abilities describe the broad, life-long skills that every Cadet needs for success in future life and career endeavors. The core abilities are a result of the goals and values that drive the JROTC program and are built upon the program’s four years through integrating various lesson competencies and skills throughout the JROTC curriculum.

  1. Apply critical thinking techniques
  2. Build your capacity for life-long learning
  3. Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
  4. Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
  5. Take responsibility for your actions and choices
  6. Treat self and others with respect

    Course Competencies. Competencies describe discipline-specific measurable and observable skills, knowledge, and attitudes. They are targeted in each lesson of the curriculum. Performance standards (criteria and conditions) provide the specifications for assessing mastery of a competency. Cadets show they have learned competencies by applying them in the completion of assessment tasks that require them to do one or more of the following:

  • Make a decision
  • Perform a skill
  • Perform a service
  • Solve a problem
  • Create a product

Grading and Evaluation Procedures: 

ACADEMIC SCORING.  50% of total grade.

             40% = tests, quizzes and classroom activities

            10% = Cadet Portfolio


            20% = Physical Training, (PT)= 20%  full PT dress out and participate- 100, no dress out but participate= 70, no dress out and no participation= 0.  Students who miss PT days due to an excused absence will be exempted, however, those cadets who have an unexcused absence for PT days will receive a 0.

            10% = Leadership activities. Drill and Ceremony (every Monday), classroom participation/discussion and leadership evaluations for those cadets in leadership positions

            10% = Uniform Wear and Appearance (We wear the Army Class A or B Blue uniform each Tuesday (this includes evaluated/graded Uniform Inspections).

            10% = Personal Conduct/Professionalism.  Cadets are expected to live by the cadet creed and ensure their actions bring credit upon themselves, the JROTC unit, School and families. 


JROTC follows the standard Morgan County Schools Systems grading rubric, which is:

97-100 = A+;     93-96 = A ;      90-92 = A-  

87-89 = B+;       83-86 = B;       80-82 = B-

78-79 = C=        73-76 = C        70-72 = C-

60-69 = D

59 or less = F

 Class Structure (This class will operate the same every day):

  1. You are expected to be INSIDE of the classroom BEFORE the bell rings.
  2. You are to read the board for announcements, requirements and follow the directions posted for you.
  3. Stand behind your chair at attention and await for tardy bell to ring. After which you will recite the cadet creed, company motto and take attendance BEFORE you sit in your assigned seat. Company commander will report attendance to SAI/AI
  4. We will then have a BRIEF recap of the last class.
  5. This will be followed by an information/instructional period to teach new material.
  6. You will then work on the individual or group activity/project assigned to you for the remainder of the block.
  7. The last five minutes of class are allocated to clean-up. During this time you will review the calendar and upcoming lessons located just outside the classroom in the hallway.
  8. You will be dismissed if and when the room is clean and all materials and/or folders/materials are put away.

 Weekly Schedule. A typical schedule will be as follows:

MON – Quiz/test as required followed by Drill and Ceremony

TUES – Uniform wear and inspection

WED/THUR – Curriculum

FRI – Physical Training. 


 Command and Staff meetings will take place every Tuesday from 1500-1530 in the classroom

  1. Team practices will occur (unless otherwise directed) every Tues and Thurs from 1530-1900.  We encourage all cadets to be involved with the teams.

 Uniform Policy: All cadets are expected to follow uniform wear policies while enrolled in JROTC. All cadets will be issued an Army Service Uniform (ASU).  All cadets will wear either the class B (without jacket) or class A (with jacket) every Tuesday unless directed otherwise.  Any cadet that does not have an ASU will be expected to “dress for success” which would include slacks and polo shirt, no T-shirts, shorts or shower shoes/flip flops. All male cadets are required to be clean shaven while in uniform and maintain a “short” haircut. Hair should not fall below the collar of their uniform in the back, fall past mid-ear on the sides or below the eye brows in front.  Female cadets will ensure that when in uniform their hair does not fall below the eye brows or below the collar of their uniform. Facial piercings are not allowed while in uniform.  Female cadets may wear a single set of round or small “stud” type earrings only. 

  • Uniforms will be issued to all students. Once student accepts his/her uniform and successfully recites the cadet creed and mission statement, they will be considered a “cadet”.
  • Any student who prefers not to wear the uniform but still desires to take the class will be considered a “participating” student. Participating students are not eligible to receive awards, promotions, participate in adventure training, military ball, outside school events requiring the wear of the uniform or be a member of any of the JROTC teams.
  • Uniforms will be exchanged for current cadets during the first two weeks of school.
  • Uniforms will be returned upon graduation, transfer from school, removal from class or cadet dropping the class
  • Cadets are responsible to maintain and keep track of all uniform components to include routine cleaning. Any lost items must be purchased by the cadet (costs vary according to lost item). 
  • Cadets can exchange uniform items at any time as long as the item was not damaged from lack of “due” care. e. a zipper breaks on pants, etc.

General:  Being issued and afforded the opportunity to wear the uniform is an HONOR!  It is an opportunity you should never take lightly or for granted.  The wearing of the uniform is a time honored, highly respected tradition. As a Junior Cadet you not only represent your local program, school, and family but you will be viewed by your community the same way as other service members are perceived, so it is of extreme importance for you to wear the uniform properly and with pride.

Wearing the requires a level of attention to detail, responsibility and a strong sense of pride once you adorn yourself in it.  Remember, as a cadet you should hold a high level of respect and a feeling of honor when wearing your uniform. 

Cadets who miss two consecutive inspections or three or more inspections (unexcused) during a semester will forfeit the privilege to keep and wear the uniform.  If this happens, all uniform items will be collected.  Cadets who fall in this category will not receive a full score for future inspections until cadet earns his/her uniform back. See Earning My Uniform below.

NOTE:  upon losing uniform, cadets will be ineligible to participate in any outside function sponsored by AP Brewer JROTC or US Army Cadet Command to include but not limited to:  military ball, awards ceremony, adventure training, community events or support activities that requires cadets to wear their uniform. Cadets will also lose their leadership positions (if any) and be demoted to PVT.  Cadets may be reassigned at previous rank if they are able to “earn” back their uniform.  

Recovering your lost uniform:

  1. Continue to function and show dedication to the JROTC program on campus
  2. Written statement signed by your parent/guardian outlining improvements at home
  3. 250 word essay highlighting the following 4 areas:
    1. Why you lost uniform privileges and how you will ensure it will not happen again.
    2. Explain the importance of responsibility.
    3. Explain the importance of supporting the team.
    4. Explain the importance of self-control and self- discipline.
  4. Recite the cadet creed verbatim with no mistakes
  5. Know and understand the “JROTC MISSION STATEMENT”
  6. Must receive peer acceptance based on articles 1 – 5

Ranks and awards:

  • Cadets will receive earned awards at the end of each semester and/or at annual awards banquet  (national level awards)
  • Cadet promotions will be determined by cadet performance and satisfactory promotion board results.  Cadets will have weekly opportunities (Tuesday) to present themselves at a promotion board.  Promotion requirements can be found in our Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) posted on the Brewer HS web page under JROTC.
  • Cadets may earn impact awards or on the spot promotions for outstanding achievements

REMOVAL FROM THE JROTC PROGRAM:   AP Brewer cadets are expected to conduct themselves at a higher level than other high school students and will be held to a higher standard. Cadets who do not follow JROTC program guidelines (uniform policy, classroom code of conduct, cadet creed) or commit serious school offenses may be removed from the program. 

    • Phase 1: Cadets who show the beginnings of  disciplinary issues will be counseled by the SAI and/or AI and parents notified
    • Phase 2: Cadets who continue to show disciplinary issues will be demoted, placed on probation and parents and school administrators notified of potential removal from program.
    • Phase 3:  Cadets who still show no willingness to improve or follow program guidelines will be removed from program.